I strive to capture what makes your brand different. That means the work we do together will look different. It will sound different. If that’s what you want, great!

I give voice to your experts.

I work at the intersection of product management, product marketing, senior management, sales reps, graphic design, and demand generation. If you put me in the center of that Venn diagram, I’ll deliver better work. When we talk, I’ll describe how it can work.

What does it cost?

I prefer to track my time and bill at the same hourly rate that my plumber bills me.

Some projects demand we involve graphic designers, web developers and others in the work. Usually, they’ll bill you separately.

If you prefer a fixed bid that includes everything and everybody, I can do that, too. Of course, you’ll need to invest the time to scope the job. Scoping must involve all decision-makers.

Let's get your marcom and publicity done.

You have project ideas sitting idle for lack of resources. Write to me, or phone (603) 370-0046 to discuss email marketing, consultative webinars, case studies and other services that guide prospects along their journey to you. 

The best business writing is highly collaborative. Patrick brings out the best in teams, resulting in clear, concise writing that conveys key messages and gets results.
— Ian Howell, Borealis Ventures; former CEO, Newforma